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  • Cantonal Court in Livno

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    Appealing Court Decisions

    Admission of appeals to decisions of the Cantonal Court in Livno is done every working day from 8:00 - 16:00 hrs in the Registry office of this court (Pisarnica), and the appeals are then forwarded to the Supreme Court of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

    Party in the procedure that is not satisfied with the court decision may appeal after the written court decision was delivered to her. The court decision has instruction for legal remedy. The deadline for filing an appeal is determined by the legal instruction. The appeal must be submitted to the court’s registry office number 211. The copy of the appeal court delivers to the opposing party, which within 8 days from the date of reception may provide a response to the appeal. The entire case file is delivered to the Supreme Court of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina that has jurisdiction to the case.

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