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    Guide to obtaining compensation claims in criminal proceedings


    All victims of criminal acts, including protected witnesses, can submit a property claim without jeopardizing their safety and revealing their identity, thereby seeking compensation for caused non-material or material damage.

    In this brochure, victims of war crimes or other criminal acts can find all the details on how to claim compensation in criminal proceedings. The guide provides answers on how injured parties can obtain free legal aid and how they can be involved in criminal proceedings for compensation.

    The guide informs injured victims of their rights and answers the most common questions about property claims, but also provides information on free legal aid and psychological support available to them.

    The content of this Guide is the sole responsibility of the author TRIAL International - office in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The positions presented in the brochure do not necessarily represent the positions of the Cantonal Court in Livno.

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    Guide to obtaining compensation claims in criminal proceedings


    All victims of criminal acts, including protected witnesses, can submit a property claim without jeopardizing their safety and revealing their identity, thereby seeking compensation for caused non-material or material damage.

    In this brochure, victims of war crimes or other criminal acts can find all the details on how to claim compensation in criminal proceedings. The guide provides answers on how injured parties can obtain free legal aid and how they can be involved in criminal proceedings for compensation.

    The guide informs injured victims of their rights and answers the most common questions about property claims, but also provides information on free legal aid and psychological support available to them.

    The content of this Guide is the sole responsibility of the author TRIAL International - office in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The positions presented in the brochure do not necessarily represent the positions of the Cantonal Court in Livno.